Our journey was onward and upwards towards Gullfoss. Luckily at this point we still had a couple of hours of day light remaining and the weather cleared so we got a perfect view of the next great waterfall of our journey. This was the first time we had seen a river in Iceland, let alone a waterfall, that was so wide and cascaded down so far. The sheer cliffs on either side were even more evident from the height we were viewing them from. Along the edge there are multiple little stopping points where you can enjoy the view from different angles. The best we found was down close to the river just infront of the crest of the fall. This is where we caught the fiancee’s favourite picture of the trip. It is true that all the photos littered around the internet don’t do the scale and power justice but they also don’t show the sheer number of people standing by the edges taking the photos. Luckily we were there during quiet season and so we could wait for a minute and get some free space from the other tourists to catch our own pictures and enjoy the view. If you want a more secluded spot I would definitely suggest going to Öxarárfoss in the morning like we did (see my post here).
Now with the light dwindling and all the stops on our golden circle circuit complete we made our way slowly back to Reykjavik. We took the scenic route back and passed by numerous greenhouses that were lit up like Christmas trees; the perfect way to break up the darkness. Then it was time to hunt down some tasty food to finish off the day with a bang. As Reykjavik is a fishing town (with two harbours to boot) we decided upon fresh fish and chips and we chose Reykjavik Fish Restaurant to serve it. The walls behind the counter were covered in blackboards with an array of different fish and sauces available. We both chose the special deal for traditional fish and chips, although I was very tempted by their version of a mixed grill with all manner of battered seafood on it. We sat on a small table by the window and waited patiently for the food to arrive. The food was delivered speedily in sweet, little metal buckets. The batter was crunchy without being too greasy which is always nice, and the chips are thin and crispy; perfect for dunking in ketchup.
After all the walking and exploring we had done during the day, the dinner wasn’t quite enough to fulfill my appetite and so for seconds we went to grab one with everything (the famous hot dog we had the day before, see my post here). This extra portion of hot dog and Bearnaise sauce gave me enough fuel to delve into the wonderful world of Reykjavik Christmas shops. When you walk in a shop and there is a huge, model steam train you can’t help but feel a little Christmasy. All the little decorations were a testament to the handmade and crafty culture that Iceland seems to foster. Shelves and shelves of felt and knitted decorations using Icelandic wool. Needless to say we picked up a lot for presents for the family and our own souvenirs. We have started a tradition of buying festive decorations from places we visit to build up our own eclectic collection; along with the set of fridge magnets we have built from our travels together.
Souvenirs bought, it was time to hit the final stop on our 3 course (of sorts) dinner for the evening which was to be Dunkin’ Donuts. Although it isn’t traditional Icelandic cuisine it was somewhere we hadn’t been before and was the perfect accompaniment to fill that little gap left after battered fish, chips and a hot dog. Unfortunately, my fiancee decided that I was only meant to have a single bite before it vanished in to the night. I guess it is payback from all the food that I eat of her plate when we go out; sometimes I even wait until she is finished before I start.
Next stop on our adventure is the south coast, staying in Dyrhólaey and seeing a whole load more waterfalls.
Ciao for now!
Enjoyed this post? Why not check out the rest of our Icelandic Adventure…
Icelandic Diaries Day 1 – Planes, Lanes and Automobile
Icelandic Diaries Day 1 – Food for thought
Icelandic Diaries Day 2 – A new beginning
Icelandic Diaries Day 2 – Walking, Whales and Wonderful Food
Icelandic Diaries Day 3 – The Golden Circle
Icelandic Diaries Day 3 – Waterfalls, Christmas Shops and 3 Course Meals
Icelandic Diaries Day 4 – Waterfalls, Glaciers and the Church on the Hill
Icelandic Diaries Day 5 – Stacking Stones, Hiking to Waterfalls and Basalt Columns
Icelandic Diaries Day 6 – Return to Reykjavik and the Strange Viking
Icelandic Diaries Day 7 – The Blue Lagoon and an End to Our Amazing Adventure