Today is exactly one year from when we left our first trip in the beautiful Welsh countryside. So, it only seems right to finish this series now. If this is your first dabble into my Welsh diaries I would recommend heading over to Day 1 because, as with all good stories, it is best to start from the beginning. Now, onto the final instalment in Llandudno…

As any British person knows all too well, good weather in January is few and far between. So, we felt very lucky to have a whole day of dazzling sunshine and cool breezes along the Welsh coast and into the mountains. Unfortunately, all good things have to come to an end. Both the good weather and this little adventure.
However, I have never let a little drizzle ruin my day and, come rain or shine, I had been promised my first visit to the classic Welsh seaside town of Llandudno.

Having moved north after my university studies, a lot of the local areas were unknown to me. Everywhere in the UK will have it’s own summer seaside town you visit as a child. Here, Llandudno is that place. I’ve heard countless stories about days on the coach and enjoying a few hours of sunshine with some fish and chips. Now I was finally able to experience it for myself. Minus the sunshine, fish and chips and coach of course.
All British seaside towns seem to have the uncanny ability to sit in some kind of time warp, where nothing ever changes and they all seem to look the same. Arcades with the lure of the impossible claw machines, shops filled with magnets and postcards of the view you could see just around the corner, and hotels lining the seafront. The only difference from the bustling summer months was the sheer lack of people on a cold, blustery January morning. Hardly surprising really.
Stepping out from the protection of the towering white washed building we were hit full in the face. Icy cold winds and fine sheets of rains. Luckily, with my large winter coat zipped up to the top it was a great time to explore.

Apart from a few locals walking their dogs, the beach was completely deserted. Just how I like it. Strolling along the beach and skimming stone, it reminded me of holidays spent in Folkestone on the south coast. We used to wander the beach collecting little tickets that had washed up on the shore. Feeling like Indiana Jones when you pick up a small piece of pottery and wondering what far flung land it had come from.
Although all the amusements and stalls were closed, we still ventured out onto the pier. If only for the fact that we could say we had done it.
By this point we were soaked to the bone and shivering a little. So, we decided to take refuge in the car and have something warm to drink. A coffee for the boss and a hot chocolate for me with a small chocolate covered pastry. It really is the simple things you remember most from these times. Good company and a smile is all you need sometimes.

After our little pit stop we started our long drive home. Stopping at a local retail outlet to do some shopping and grab a bite to eat. I’m not the biggest fan of shopping but when it is a treat for my better half; it is something I will always do. And to be fair, we always go for a nice meal which is something I can never refuse. I am a man of simple tastes after all.

We have had many Yo sushi’s together, a fair few being at this particular restaurant, but none quite so memorable. As we sat watching the colourful little plastic bowls fly by on the conveyor belt, we noticed one of the chefs. I am sure there is a more suitable name for these guys, like “Sandwich Artist” at Subway, but failing that a chef will have to do. The remarkable thing wasn’t related to the food preparation though. He was singing and dancing. The singing sushi maker, if you will.

For me, it is a real pleasure to see someone that clearly loves what he does and is having a great time. Too often you see people that work in restaurants or shops and you can tell they hate it. Although, it might not be the perfect job there is always a way to enjoy life. I remember my time as a waitor as some of the best in my life. I was absolutely terrible. My friends have even told me that if I wasn’t so nice they would have fired me. So, clearly it was never going to be an enduring career for me, but I had a great time, met some amazing people and that’s what matters.
Every situation is life is an opportunity and you need to grab it with both hands. You never know where it will lead.
I hope you have enjoyed reading about our little adventure as much as I have recounting it. This year we have lots of more adventures to come and I hope you will join me along the way.
Wanderlust still not satisfied? Then, why not check out my Icelandic diaries or German diaries for more food, fun and adventure.
Ciao for now.
If you like this then don’t miss out on the rest of the journey:
Day 1 – Starting our next adventure
Day 1 – Conwy Falls, Fairy Glen Gorge and a Lamb Wellington
Day 2 – Portmeirion and the Welsh Countryside