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Hi Everyone.

While away on our amazing road trip in Bavaria, full diary posts to follow shortly, I made a resolution to get more active with my language learning and try some new approaches. One of these things is something I am going to start called #translationtuesday. The idea is to take a picture of some text and then translate it in to the languages I am learning and English (my native language). This is to try and push me to learn new words and switch between multiple languages. Some of these images will be in a language I am learning, German for example, and then I would translate them in to Italian and English. Equally I may choose something written in English and translate in to both Italian and German. As I learn more languages the challenge will get harder by increasing the number of languages I need to translate in to.

This is something I would love to get everyone involved in by joining me in translating a small piece of text in to the languages you are learning and then using the hashtag #translationtuesday and #frompillartoposts on social media. I will be posting the images on Instagram (@pillar_to_posts) and Facebook and would love for everyone to like, comment and join in with their own examples.

For the first time I want to keep it simple and have chosen a sign with a single word. Nothing is too small if it is helping you learn.


Deutsch – Fußgänger

Italiano – Pedonale

English – Pedestrian

This was a sign that was pointing to a beautiful little wooden footbridge in the town of Rothenburg ob der Tauber. It shows that simple direction signs can still be made as something attractive to look at and the Bavarians do this excellently.

I will continue to do this every week with different lengths and styles of text to push my boundaries and learn something new and I hope you will join me on my journey.

Make sure you follow me on Instagram(@pillartoposts) and Facebook to get involved and also comment on the post below with your own entries.

Ciao for now!

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