ARCHIVE – My Story

Welcome to my humble little site. My name Sam and I am here to share all things languages with you. Discover Fluency is the home of language learning inspiration, resources and fun stuff. Everything you need to help you enjoy your journey to language confidence.

There are lots of different definitions for “fluency” but mine is:

“The ability to express yourself clearly and confidently.”

The road to language confidence is long and winding. Often taking you to places that you never thought possible. But the important part is sticking to it! Finding a way to navigate your way through the endless sea of new information, and having fun doing it.

Where it all began

For me, the start was one little surprise trip to Rome, in 2013, for my (now) wife. I decided I wanted to impress her and learn a little Italian in secret during my two-hour round trip to work. Because who doesn’t want to show off a little, right?

Little did I know, that that was the beginning of my passion for languages. Next came French, German, Spanish and a little Icelandic… and onwards down the road to Fluency. My love of language has taken me to some amazing places and given me opportunities I never dreamed of. And that’s what I want to share with you.

We are all unique and so there is no “one-size fits all” method for language learning. I have tried apps, courses, books, videos and everything in between. Been there, done it, got the t-shirt. So, I want to share a selection of ideas, from my experience, that you can adapt and use to make real progress. Some new, something old, something borrowed and … something blue. Well, maybe not the last one. But you get the idea!

Want to improve your English?

Having learnt many languages myself, I understand how hard it is to master a foreign tongue. But, together we can find your way to learn. I became a TEFL qualified English teacher and now I’m here to support you on the way to English fluency.
Have you ever said:

  • I can’t understand, they speak too fast.
  • I can’t find the right words. They don’t come to mind in conversation.
  • I can’t say what I want to say. I sound like an idiot!

Well, don’t worry. We’ve all been there! But together we will overcome them all. I have helped hundreds of students solve these exact problems.

In our lessons together I will be your very own language guide. Showing you all the main attractions and avoiding the obstructions along the way. It’s a long and difficult road, but it is always easier when you have someone there to show you the way.

We’ll focus on the natural expressions you need to have real conversations with native speakers. After all. language learning is all about communication, right? Developing all the skills you need to understand what they are saying and respond confidently.

We’ll make languages something essential, and enjoyable, rather than a chore. Forget about “studying” the language and start thinking about “living” it. Life is fun and learning should be the same.

My mantra for life (which I always apply to my teaching) is,

“I can, I will and I must.”

Positivity, productivity and confidence. You can do it!

Are you ready to take the first step to English fluency? Contact me to discuss your first English lesson.