My 13 Favourite Halloween Films

Pumpkin for Halloween Language Journal
A selection of my favourite spooky films to get you in the mood for this Halloween season. What are you waiting for? Check it out now!

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Pumpkins are in the shops and terrible fancy dress outfits are popping up everywhere. Which can mean only one thing…. Halloween is almost upon us. Whether you hand out sweets to all the kids (or candy for our American friends) or you hide upstairs with the lights off not wanting to be disturbed, we all love a good Halloween film.

13 might be unlucky for some, but today it’s your lucky day. Here are 13 of my favourite Halloween films. These aren’t the “best”, if there is such a thing, but the ones I love watching and think you will love too.  Something spooky, something funny, monsters, magic and everything in between.

Full disclosure, I don’t like scary films so this list will be free of the usual horror suspects I’m afraid…

I have tried my best to avoid spoilers but considering most of them are over 20 years old, I am sure you will let me off!

So, here we go…

1. Hocus Pocus (1993)

While this list is in no particular order, I have to admit that Hocus Pocus is my absolute favourite! I can’t think about Halloween without picturing this film. The cheesy one liners, terrible jokes and outdated references. Doesn’t get much better than this!

2. Casper (1995)

The film based on everyone’s favourite animated ghost following the classic 90’s stereotypes. A teenage girl and father move to the local haunted house to investigate ghosts… and a fun film is sure to follow.

3. Beetlejuice (1988)

Looking back I am surprised I was allowed to watch this as a kid. When a couple die and start haunting their house they recruit the help of Beetlejuice to scare away the new owners. Then they get a little more than they bargained for. Creepy, strange and quite funny. Well worth a watch!

4. Sabrina the teenage witch (1996)

Sabrina was one of my favourite TV shows as a kid in the 90s. I would watch it endlessly. So, obviously I loved the film. Magic, witches and teenage drama… doesn’t get more Halloween than that, right?

5. Van Helsing (2004)

Hugh Jackman, Kate Beckinsale and lots of vampires. Would more could you want? They even take inspiration from the old Frankenstein stories which is an interesting addition.

6. Ghostbusters (1984)

I don’t even think I really have to explain this one. All I’m going to say is “Who you gunna call?”…

7. Sixth Sense (1999)

Now for a little vintage Bruce Willis, where he is helping a boy that is “visited” by ghost. I won’t say more than that, but you will love all the twists and turns along the way.

8. Sleepy Hollow (1999)

Based on the classic tale “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow”, this film (with a very young looking Johnny Depp) is a mixture of horror, fantasy and romance. Sounds strange, and it kind of is, but in a very good way.

9. Scream (1996)

While I don’t like horror, scream is an exception. A great example of slasher horror and jump scares.

10. Scary Movie (2000)

And with having Scream on this list, I had to include this little gem too. A spoof of Scream and other horror franchises. The perfect naughties comedy to get you giggling or remind you what people thought was funny almost 20 years ago… man that makes me feel old!

11. Hotel Transylvania (2012)

For something a little more family friendly, Hotel Transylvania fits the bill. A hotel full of monsters couldn’t be more Halloween if it tried. Surprisingly funny and really enjoyable.

12. Monsters Inc (2001)

Another animated one now because why not? Monsters Inc is an absolute classic and so I had to find a way to squeeze it onto the list. Does a group of monsters scaring kids for electricity count? Well, it’s a great film anyway, so any excuse is good enough to stick this on.

13. Shaun of the Dead (2004)

Last but by no means least is a classic British zombie comedy from Edgar Wright, Simon Pegg and Nick Frost. Part of the Cornetto Trilogy, it follows the story of a loser in London, and his friends, who find themselves in the middle of a zombie apocolypse. Hilarious and oh so British. Give it a try.

Abrakadabra… Best Magic TV Series

If you are anything like me, then binge watching TV is your jam. That’s why I wanted to add in a few little box sets to get your in the mood for the spooky season.

1. Buffy the vampire slayer (1997-2003)

Another throwback here for you. 8 seasons of pure TV gold. The combination of a classic American sitcom in a school with lots and lots of vampires. Rock music and fighting will keep you hooked and the dated 90’s references will make you wonder what they did before YouTube.

2. Charmed (1998-2006)

When I think about TV shows about witches, the first one that comes to mind is always Charmed. It was so popular that it ran for over a decade… longer than Friends if you can believe it! Covering everything related to magic, supernatural and three women running around San Francisco. Well worth a watch!

3. The Order (2019)

This is a very recent series on Netflix that I loved. It is the classic teen supernatural show. Love, magic and werewolves. What more could you want?

4. Chilling Adventures of Sabrina (2018)

Netflix recently decided to reboot the old franchise and give it a fresh lick of paint. As with most Netflix originals, the quality is great and the storytelling is fantastic (in my opinion).

With all that amazing content to get stuck into, you better get started. You might finish it all by next Halloween!

Do you think I missed anything? Are there are Halloween films in other languages that I just have to watch? Let me know in the comments below.

Until next time!

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