Looks like the beard is on

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Ég reyni að vaxa skegg mitt. Það er ekki langt nú en það er hægt.
I am trying to grow my beard. It isn’t long now but it is possible.

As you may have seen from my Instagram post, I have decided to take the plunge and grow a beard. Seeing all the amazing pictures of Icelandic beards has inspired me to really give it a go rather than just growing what I call my laziness beard. This is when my laziness prevents me from shaving in a timely manner to maintain my usual level stubble and the startings of a beard appear. For some strange reason I seem to think that if I grow a beard it will make my Icelandic more convincing. Whether this is true or not is of little importance now as I have a good few weeks growth behind me and 7 weeks to go before departure.

My first findings on growing a beard can be summed up in one word; itchiness! Some days I have wondered why any man would even attempt to grow a beard when this itchiness follows you around like a rash, all day everyday, making you feel like the hair is sanding down your jaw.

The only upside I have found is in the routine I have started to follow in order to try and calm the hairy beast is giving me a clearer complexion and softer hair. Never thought I would be saying those words. I have been using a combination of moisturising shampoo, conditioner (which I have never used before) and beard balm I was bought for Christmas by my ever suffering girlfriend. Almost like she knew I would be growing it (or hoped?). Doing all this seems to have tamed to beast for now and so I will be keeping it up in case my laziness angers it again. Hopefully by the time we leave it will be impressive enough that I fit in with the locals in Reykjavik with a nice cold beer.

Now just to prune it so I don’t look like an absolute mess. No rest for the wicked eh?

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