Hi Everyone! I’m very pleased to anounce that the second in my series of guest posts is now live on the Mimic Method blog. Head over there and see what you think.
Would love to hear your thoughts in the comments below.
Ciao for now!
Hi Everyone! I’m very pleased to anounce that the second in my series of guest posts is now live on the Mimic Method blog. Head over there and see what you think.
Would love to hear your thoughts in the comments below.
Ciao for now!
Buon Ferragosto a tutti! As a special Italian treat, I have an Italian special of “What is fluency?”. Where polyglots and language experts tell us about what “fluency” means to them. Check it out!
One the easiest, cheapest and most useful techniques to improve your speaking fluency… Record yourself. Here are 9 reasons you need to do it now!